Privacy Policy

Australian Psychological Services (APS) and manage information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth), Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches Act 2017) and the Australian Privacy Principles.

Personal Information
Personal information is any information, which identifies you. For example, name, date-of–birth, home address and telephone number. Personal information also includes information about the health of an individual, or an individual’s wishes about the provision of health services.

Information Type
Australian Psychological Services (APS) manages information from their doctors and psychologists.
This is personal information obtained directly from individuals during consultations as well as electronically when sent in writing via forms or messaging. Due to the medical nature of Australian Psychological Services (APS)’s service, they may also receive information from sources typically accessible in bricks and mortar Psychology practices, including:

• Information provided by government or non-government agencies
• Publicly available sources of information, such as public registers
• Other health organisations
• If required to do so, in accordance with legislation

Storing of information
Personal information collected will be stored confidentially, unless disclosure is required by law.

Purpose of information use
All information collected by Australian Psychological Services (APS) will be used only for the primary purpose intended, i.e. to assist you directly. It may also be used for with regard to meeting your direct needs and to communicate with other in-house or external Health Professionals and Health Organisations in order to facilitate treatments or handover in the same way a GP would.

Your information is never sold
Australian Psychological Services (APS) do not sell information to other organisations in any instance.

Importance of providing correct information to us
Australian Psychological Services (APS) may not be able to provide some, or all services, unless the organisation is provided with the correct personal information requested.

Storing Information
The information Australian Psychological Services (APS) holds is stored electronically in secure databases. We take your privacy seriously and have strong measures in place to protect your details. All those that work for Australian Psychological Services (APS) are based in Australia and we do not send private information to employees, contractors or IT professionals outside of Australia.

Some personal information may also be stored in paper files
Physical notes and descriptions may be created during the course of consultations. At all times measures are taken to ensure this physical information (as well as electronic) is accurate, up-to-date, complete and relevant, and is protected from unauthorised access, loss, misuse, disclosure or alteration.

Information collected visiting our website
Like most standard websites, this site uses standard visitor logs, cookies etc to automatically record non-personal data, which does not identify you. To the extent that any data could identify you, we will not attempt to do so unless required by law. De-identified data from the visitor logs may be used to update and improve this website and is for statistical purposes only.
Forms you submit via this site may include personal information such as name, email address and telephone number. This information will only be used to respond to your specific request These details will not be disclosed to any other party without your knowledge and consent, unless required by law.